Peer-reviewed journal articles
Harley, Anne and Andrea Zittlau, “Jenny Lind. Of Echoes and Traces”, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens, 94 Automne (2021).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/cve.10190
Harley, Anne. “Connecting Performance and Performing Connection: How the performing arts can usefully engage an international and interdisciplinary cohort in pedagogy and research.” ASIANetworks Exchange (2019).
Harley, Anne. “Russian Women Composers from the Court of Catherine the Great: The Romances of Princess Natalia Ivanovna Kurakina (1768-1831).” Journal of Singing - the Official Journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing 72, no. 1 (Sep, 2015): 11-21.
Harley, Anne. “Orality overlooked: What can be learned from oral pedagogies of music” Voice and Speech Review, 7:1, (2011): 104-112.