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founding director of
commissioning, performing, and recording since 2011
professor of music at Scripps College since 2009
operatic soprano specializiing in early and contemporary music
stage director
extended voice workshop director
comfortable in standard operatic languages, Mandarin, Russian, and Hebrew
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My flagship project.
For over a decade, I've been commissioning works to texts by and about female spiritual practitioners.
Our projects have been awarded 4 times by the National Endowment for the Arts and also by the Canada Council for the Arts.
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So freed! So freed!
So thoroughly freed am I—
from my pestle,
my shameless husband
& his sun-shade making,
my moldy old pot
with its water-snake smell.
Aversion & passion
I cut with a chop.
Having come to the foot of a tree,
I do jhāna, from the bliss thinking:
“What bliss!”
From the verses about female Buddhist monk Sumangalamata, in the Therīgāthā set in the NEA commissioned Therīgāthā Inside Aura by Chinary Ung:
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